
2016 Auto Budget: Imposing upto 4 per cent Cess for Passenger vehicles is a concern for auto industry, says Mahindra

Team OD Updated: February 29, 2016, 05:04 PM IST

The Budget places strong emphasis on agriculture, rural economy, infrastructure and social sector. This is what I was hoping for. The resurgence and thrust on the PPP in infrastructure is most welcome. I also appreciate laying down some very clear goal posts on farm income and on village electrification. Perhaps more could have been done for financial sector and taxation, though staying with the FRBM target was an unexpected bold move and perhaps does put some spending constraints on the Government.

Dr. Pawan Goenka

On the face of it, imposing upto 4 per cent Cess for Passenger vehicles is a concern for auto industry. However, one has to take it in stride, in view of all the priorities that we have for our economy and we in the industry have to manage it. Would have been good if some of the additional revenue from this cess was used to phase out older vehicles.


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