
Audi designs futuristic car for Ender's Game

Summit Entertainment's futuristic movie 'Ender's Game' is going to be in theatres soon and Audi has something lined up that could very well drop jaws. The Audi Design Team has developed an entirely virtual car for the film. The Audi fleet shuttle quattro blends easily into the world of the science fiction and combines futuristic design with technology.

The Audi fleet shuttle quattro for 'Ender's Game'The Audi fleet shuttle quattro for 'Ender's Game'

The fictional Audi Fleet Shuttle quattro seen in the film, marks the first for a purely virtual Audi in a feature film. "The Audi in the movie represents progress and it appears in key scenes that have a lasting impact on the life of the protagonist. As a result, our Audi becomes part of this fictional world," said Florian Zitzlsperger, brand partnerships, AUDI AG.


Audi last flirted with a futuristic film in Will Smith's 'I, Robot'. They used an Audi RSQ for that film.

It is the first purely virtual Audi in a feature filmIt is the first purely virtual Audi in a feature film

"Designing the Audi Fleet Shuttle quattro was similar to customizing a tailor-made suit. We adapted it to the requirements of the world in Ender's Game and at the same time had to take care to preserve our brand values," said Frank Rimili, chief designer for the film project.

"We were ultimately able to perfectly project our design philosophy into the fictional world of the movie. The Audi brand is already very forward thinking which made their inclusion in our film an organic fit, " said Linda McDonough, who is co-producing the film.

The raw sketch of the Audi's offering to Ender's Game

'Ender's Game' is based on a best-selling, award-winning novel by the same name. Directed by Gavin Hood, it stars Asa Butterfield, Hailee Steinfeld, Ben Kingsley, Viola Davis, Abigail Breslin and Harrison Ford. In the near future, a hostile alien race has attacked Earth. In preparation for the next attack, humans begin training the best students to find their future leader. Ender Wiggin, a shy but strategically brilliant young man, is pulled out of his school to join the elite. Arriving at Battle School, Ender quickly and easily masters the training, distinguishing himself and winning respect amongst his peers. He is soon ordained as the military's next great hope and is charged to lead his fellow soldiers into an epic battle that will determine the future of Earth and save the human race.

Take a further peek here.

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