
Automakers may face Rs 100 crore fine for failing to comply with regulations

In 2017, the Bharat New Vehicle Safety Assessment Programme (BNVSAP) will commence and there will be a whole lot of changes to the safety standards of vehicles in the country. When the proposed Road Safety Bill will be passed, the "power to order compulsory recall within stipulated time frame" and a fine of up to Rs 100 crore could be implemented "for non-compliance of automobile regulations by automobile companies".

Scorpio Crash GNCAP

Additionally, the Road Safety Bill could impose a fine up to Rs 5,000 on people using unauthorised accessories on their vehicles like fog lights, air pressure horns, additional lights and bull bars. Vehicle dealers, body shops and component dealers are also likely to be fined by up to Rs 1 lakh for "selling non-approved critical safety components for vehicles".


These propositions come from a panel consisting of state transport ministers, headed by Yunus Khan, the transport minister of Rajasthan. The panel has also agreed to ensure stricter penalties such as imprisonment for over speeding, talking over phone while driving, drunk driving and jumping traffic signals.


The panel also proposes a one-year jail sentence and a fine up to Rs 10,000 for driving with a fake licence. With regard to juvenile drivers, the owner of the vehicle being driven will be held responsible and could face a three-year jail sentence and a fine up to Rs 20,000.

All these propositions are expected to be part of the Road Safety Bill, which hasn't been passed in Parliament since it was presented in 2014. According to Nitin Gadkari, this delay is due to unnamed "vested interests" who are "opposed to transparency and computerisation in the highways sector".

Also from OVERDRIVE:

Nitin Gadkari blames unnamed vested interests for delay in passing of Road Safety Bill

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Are the fines listed in the Road Transport and Safety Bill 2014 too severe?

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