Image Gallery: Shaken and Stirred April 2016
A team of driven, passionate and creative individuals all immersed in cars and motorcycles, as you might imagine, is not a normal working environment. Their antics, our making of story if you will, is Shaken & Stirred, the very last page in our print edition. It is usually the first page that is read when the issue arrives and now we've decided to bring it online as well. Presenting our League Of Superheroes.
See? You can be a ramp model and a photographer at the same time
...but Halley has revealed his alter ego H.Arrow
Lijo's easy going and can get carried away. Pradeb's motives though, we aren't sure of
Ashok couldn't handle all this. So he's taking regular dips in virtual reality
Yes. The Comedian is here at OVERDRIVE too
Our new intern is a bit of an unknown quantity...
And it's made Shumi retreat into his new shell too
The Rock has joined the OVERDRIVE League too. Then Lijo went and sat on it
Containment of the Biryani affection affliction has been traced to patient zero, Rishaad. Doctors are helpless
Rishaad's new screensaver is not interactive