Mumbai Police makes rear seatbelts mandatory from November 1
Mumbai Police has now made the use of seatbelts mandatory for all passengers in a car in the city. The authority said this would be implemented from November 1 with a Rs 1,000 fine set for defaulters.
The Mumbai Police has gone on to add that those vehicles without the provision of rear seatbelts will have to have them fitted by November 1. A statement said,"All motor vehicle drivers and all commuters in vehicles, whoever travels on the road of Mumbai City are hereby informed that it will be mandatory for drivers and all passengers to wear seat belts while travelling from 01/11/2022. Otherwise, action will be taken under section 194(B)(1) of the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act 2019,"
This development comes after the death of Cyrus Mistry in a road accident in early September. The incident set the government on a path to reassess rear-seat safety with Minster of Road Transport and Highways stating that rear-seat usage will be more strictly enforced. Gadkari has also set it motion legislation that will make rear-seatbelt warning compulsory fitment in cars, a draft notocation to this end has already been enforced by the MoRTH.
Also read,
Cyrus Mistry accident: Why you should always buckle up even in the back seat
Cyrus Mistry Accident â€" What Went Wrong?
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