
Overdrive Independence Quattro Drive: Day 2

After getting our cars thoroughly prepped up and pampered  for the drive to Ladakh on day 1, it was time to get us prepared. We're headed for the drive of a lifetime and so we must look the part. We've picked out apparel for our travels from Gant stores in Chandigarh. And we've got ourselves some delightfully smart protective eyewear from Oakley for the high altitudes.

Picking out our garb for the road ahead. Ah don't we look dapper!20140808_122820

We finally met with OVERDRIVE readers who're joining us on the drive. It's a nice, mixed bunch hailing from all parts of the country and the thrill of adventure is what binds us all. The peachy staff at Park Plaza Zirakpur is more than happy, getting them all comfortable here in Chandigarh. I think they've enjoyed the ambience as much as us.


Bert takes a moment to brief the readers on the drive and the road aheadBriefing

Reporting time for day 3 is 5:30 in the morning so we're hoping they get as much rest as they can.

Loading up the Audis. Drive begins early next morning

Image gallery: IQD day 1

Report: IQD day 1


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