Ashok Leyland Launches its Next Generation A.C. Midi-Bus â Oyster, in India
Ashok Leyland, flagship of the Hinduja Group, and one of the largest commercial vehicle manufacturers in India, launched the OYSTER - its next generation A.C. midi-bus, in the premium category, in India. OYSTER, by Ashok Leyland is a multi-purpose premium A.C. bus, designed and manufactured in-house, for staff and tourist commute. With aesthetically appealing smiley face, plush interiors and loads of convenient features, OYSTER is the best-in-class A.C. midi bus with a segment best seating capacity of 41 reclining seats. OYSTER bus is an example of innovation and latest technology that delivers a first-class experience because 'BEST deserves the BEST'!
Commenting on the OYSTER bus launch, Mr. Anuj Kathuria, COO, Ashok Leyland, said, "Ashok Leyland buses are known for their reliability and low cost of operations which has led to our leadership in the bus segment. As leaders, we have been introducing products and technologies which are ahead of the curve and which become industry standard. With Oyster, which is already a huge success in the International market, we intend to further our leadership positioning. True to our brand philosophy, 'Aapki Jeet, Hamari Jeet', Oyster will set the benchmark in Comfort, Safety, and Performance."
Speaking at the launch, Mr. Sanjay Saraswat, Head, Medium & Heavy Commercial Vehicle Business, Ashok Leyland, said, "Increasingly commuters are having to spend more time on commute and there is a need in the market for comfortable and safe transport solution. Oyster is such a product which meets this need and makes the commute a pleasant experience. This bus has the latest and best in terms of technology and is in line with customer expectations. We are glad to have the opportunity to begin the change towards ergonomically designed, aesthetically appealing and superior performance vehicles for mass transportation of citizens."
Proven and Reliable H- Series -4 Cylinder iEGR diesel BS4 compliant engine Maximum Power: 95 kW Maximum Torque: 450 Nm |
Top Features of the OYSTER Bus:
÷àààààààààAesthetically appealing smiley face ÷àààààààààRollover compliant âÂ" Assured Safety ÷àààààààààCompliant with latest Bus code norms AIS 052, AIS 140 and AIS 153 ÷àààààààààHigh capacity 28kW AC âÂ" Superior Cooling ÷ààààààààà41 Reclining seats âÂ" Best in segment ÷àààààààààTilt and telescopic steering, cable shift gear mechanism - Ease of driving leading toàààààààààààààsuperior driver productivity & safety ÷àààààààààFuel tank capacity of 185 Litres |
Benefits for commuters:
÷àààààààààHigh capacity AC cooling for tackling extreme summer ÷àààààààààLow noise and vibration âÂ" a ride quieter than a normal conversation ÷àààààààààWide reclining seats with Arm rest âÂ" for comfortable and relaxed journey ÷àààààààààEasy and Convenient features âÂ" Mobile charging points, Integrated AC Louvers withàààààààààààreading lamp and side luggage booth |