
Coronavirus impact: TVS records a sale of 58,906 units in May 2020

Team OD Published: June 02, 2020, 01:18 PM IST

TVS Motor Company has announced that it has clocked a total sale of 58,906 units in the month of May. This includes two-wheelers and three-wheelers retailed in the past month, the company retailed 56,218 units of two-wheelers, 41,067 units of domestic two-wheelers and 2,688 units of three-wheelers.

TVS resumed operations at its facilities in Hosur, Mysuru and Nalagarh from May 6, 2020, while taking safety measures to safeguard the health of all its employees working at the plant. The company has issued safety protocols to be adhered by the employees at all time to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The company is witnessing progressive opening of dealerships across the country and overseas as well. And the rest of the dealerships will also resume operations gradually. The company is also witnessing a steady increase in customer retail since the past few days and the situation can be expected to be better as people will now prefer travelling by private means of transportation.

As the risk of contracting the Coronavirus is more in public means of transportation, a hike in the demand of entry-level scooter, bikes and even cars is expected in the future. Manufacturers should take advantage of this rising demand and capitalize on it, many brands have rolled out financial schemes and lucrative deals to boost customer sentiment.


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