
Get, Set, Go!

Team OD Published: May 29, 2012, 02:09 PM IST

They say, India is a country of hidden beauty and you need to take the time out to properly discover its true splendor. Well, that is exactly what the sixteen lucky contestants of Drive with MTV are going to do, starting today. Yes, after weeks of waiting and planning, the four teams of Drive with MTV have started their 21 day trip to the four different corners of the country. And as they buckle into their Nanos and set off on the exciting journey, we help you to get to know them better!

Team North, comprising of Ravikant Potdar, Nikhil Kashyap, Amit Dang and Netra Parikh started off from Delhi today morning. Meanwhile, the South of India is being explored by Team South which started off from Chennai and consists of Sadhvi Virkar, Neha, Prasanna and Simran Singh. Starting the trip from Guwahati, we have Team East which includes Moksh Juneja, Sherrin Varghese, Nikita Sawant and Sidarth Jain. And zooming towards the west is Team West which made tracks from Mumbai this morning and consists of Shaheen Ahmed, Nikhil Kumar Verma, Arindam Mohanty and Valentine Fernandes.

Armed with a limited budget and a gleaming Tata Nano, the four teams have already entered road trip mode and have started mapping out their journey. In fact, some of them have even started economizing and cutting costs in order to see the journey safely through. But the most exciting part is that you can stay updated on their entire journey right from start to finish as the four teams will be constantly uploading photos and videos of their exploits and adventures for the entire world to follow. Just log on to get live updates from all the four teams as they set about decoding their clues and planning the route. Log on to the MTV India website to check their trips, select your favorite one and start voting! Be it through a simple like on Facebook or a hashtag mention on Twitter, (use #nanonorth, #nanosouth, #nanoeast or #nanowest to support your preferred team) the teams will be collecting points and at the end of the 21 days, the team with the most social interactions will be taking home the grand prize of Drive with MTV!

The four teams have set out on what promises to be the craziest road trip ever, so log on to and cheer your favorite team to the finish!


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