
Image gallery: OVERDRIVE Volvo 5 Senses drive (Part 2)

Team OD Updated: May 24, 2016, 12:52 PM IST

Volvo 5 Senses drive (1) - CopyPacked and loaded. The XC90's boot can easily swallow all the luggage (including an extra wheel) for a long trip

Volvo 5 Senses drive (2) - CopyRamgarh Heritage in Punchkula played the perfect host. The excitement in the air, on flag off day, was palpable

Volvo 5 Senses drive (4) - CopyUmashankar VD, a participant from Chennai, at the wheel of the XC60

Volvo 5 Senses drive (5) - Copy

Volvo 5 Senses drive (6) - CopyRishaad Mody engages in a chat with the participants as we wait for all the cars to clear the second toll booth on the way to Narkanda

Volvo 5 Senses drive (7) - Copy

Volvo 5 Senses drive (8) - Copy

Volvo 5 Senses drive (9) - Copy

Volvo 5 Senses drive (10) - Copy

Volvo 5 Senses drive (11) - Copy

Volvo 5 Senses drive (12) - Copy

Volvo 5 Senses drive (13) - CopyThe S60 Cross Country surprised everyone with its capabilities off-road

Volvo 5 Senses drive (14) - Copy

Volvo 5 Senses drive (15) - Copy

Volvo 5 Senses drive (16) - CopyStream crossing near Sadhupul

Volvo 5 Senses drive (17) - Copy

Volvo 5 Senses drive (18) - Copy

Volvo 5 Senses drive (19) - CopyWe took an unconventional off-road path to Narkanda, testing the capabilities of our Volvos

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Volvo 5 Senses drive (22) - CopyTime to chill in Narkanda after a long day's driving

Volvo 5 Senses drive (23) - CopyBriefing on Day Two

Volvo 5 Senses drive (24) - CopyThe picturesque surroundings of the Tethy's Ski Resort in Narkanda were a sight to behold

Volvo 5 Senses drive (25) - CopyChandrakant Mane and the rest of the participants prep the cars for the second leg of the journey from Narkanda to Raison

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Volvo 5 Senses drive (27) - Copy

Volvo 5 Senses drive (28) - CopyJuicy red cherries were relished with each bite

Volvo 5 Senses drive (29) - CopyUmashankar VD and Manish Chandra strike a pose

Volvo 5 Senses drive (30) - CopyHemant Suthar liked the S60 Cross Country as much as the others

Volvo 5 Senses drive (31) - CopyCKL Nagesh, from Bengaluru, was engaged in extracting the best performance from each car

Volvo 5 Senses drive (32) - CopyManav Kejriwal (L) and Rahul Ray were impressed with the S60 Cross Country, with Rahul labeling it as his favorite Volvo

Volvo 5 Senses drive (33) - Copy(L-R) Chandrakant Mane, Kiran Khandare and Yogesh Chandna loved the scenery that unfolded in front of them. Seen along with Amit Seth from Team OD

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Volvo 5 Senses drive (35) - CopyThe notorious road upto Jalori Pass is deceptive. Its steep and has a low traction surface, makes it a hard task for transmission systems

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Volvo 5 Senses drive (37) - CopyNarrow and demanding, the road to Jalori Pass is pretty challenging

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Volvo 5 Senses drive (41)Our convoy came to a halt, in a busy market area, en route to Raison. Thanks to a procession by the locals

Volvo 5 Senses drive (43)Gentle throttle, brake, turn, pray! It was a close call for the XC90s

Volvo 5 Senses drive (44)The local kids were charmed by our fleet of Volvos, the XC90 in particular

Volvo 5 Senses drive (45)

Volvo 5 Senses drive (46)

Images by Anis Shaikh

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Image gallery: OVERDRIVE Volvo 5 Senses drive


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