Team OD and readers celebrate Independence Day at Ladakh: IQD 2014
So it's another Independence day and every year at OVERDRIVE, it's not just another holiday. If you've been following our Independence Quattro Drive updates, you'll know that this year again, we've taken five Audi SUVs all the way to the Himalayas, so we can hoist the Indian flag up there above the clouds.
While team OD and readers and the SUVs, we're told, have done their bits, our cellular network providers have unfortunately not been able to keep up. Apparently the hostile environment doesn't affect our team members, readers, some flora and fauna that survives in the region, our rides and even the roads. But the network goes kaput as soon as you hit altitude. Which is why you're missing out on those frequent Twitter updates from Bert and the rest of the entourage.
But we're here to walk you through the IQD 2014 and let you know that all is well with OVERDRIVE's troops up there. They're a resilient, restless bunch - all the way from their first stop at Chandigarh, to Manali, then combatting treacherous traffic through Rohtang and then crossing over to Leh and then finally hitting Ladakh. And the resilience doesn't just extend to the team. The cars are being equally accommodating.
Our convoy on the way to Manali
Crossing over through Rohtang pass
As soon as you cross the busy, dirty Rohtang Pass, civilisation just ends. What you're greeted with is this sight of impossibly blue skies, green and brown mountains with fingers of snow clasping them tight. You'll find it hard to breathe and not because of the altitude for once
One cannot be told what the More Plain is. One really has to see it for themselves. And unless you're part of the OD family, your images of More Plain will not have these lovely Audis in it
Note the smooth stretches of soil coming off the top of the mountain in this image. Those are old landslides which are a fairly frequent occurence up here where the higher areas don't have vegetation
Ladakh, wide-eyes and cameras are a natural combination. And as we've happily discovered, the Audis fit right in as well!
A very happy Independence day to all our readers. Maybe next time, you'll be celebrating it up here in the mountains with us.
More on the Independence Quattro drive 2014