Mahindra's have officially revealed the name of the S201 SUV, the XUV300. The Indian utility vehicle manufacturer has also confirmed that the Mahindra XUV300 will be launched in India in the first week of February. So we can expect deliveries to take place shortly after that. he Mahindra XUV300 is based on the X100 platform that also underpins the Ssangyong Tivoli SUV. This sub-4M offering has the longest wheelbase for any sub-4m SUV in the world. Also, the Mahindra XUV300 will come equipped with all disc brakes, 7 airbags and also fully automatic climate control, many of which are a segment first. he Mahindra XUV300 is based on the X100 platform that also underpins the Ssangyong Tivoli SUV. This sub-4M offering has the longest wheelbase for any sub-4m SUV in the world. Also, the Mahindra XUV300 will come equipped with all disc brakes, 7 airbags and also fully automatic climate control, many of which are a segment first. While there is still some time before we see the Mahindra XUV300, here are the top five highlights of the Mahindra XUV300.